If you create some kind of ‘tool’, make it as simple as possible without compromising on the actual needs of the tool.

Otherwise, in 2 months when you come back to it, it will look like alien technology and you will need to spend considerable amounts of time to understand what you have done.

Over engineering of solutions is something we as tech ops people need to watch out for.

borrowed from this person: https://twitter.com/rspective/status/984684411181518848

Understanding the requirements of the solution is super important, but both the customer and the person listening need to somehow strive to be in-sync of what actually is needed. A funny quote that I have heard that relates to this a bit is by Henry Ford. ( The car guy)

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses

We potentially would have just gotten a failed super horse company called ‘Ford Horses’ rather than the the giant that Ford motors is today.



Robert Wijntjes

Bsc Msc Computer Science + 5 years tech knowledge. SRE cult member.